Trading From The Boat |
First New WitchCrafter Blog -
The last few years have been very busy and a lot has changed since I last posted on here. We have a different boat, we have now been self employed for a few years and I think, we are finally starting to get the hang of it!!
I have been filling out my diary religiously for ages instead of posting here and as I appear to be spending more and more time on my lap top lately and the diary pages are becoming emptier and emptier, I thought it might be a good idea to transfer my diary online.
So, this is what my blog is going to become. Basically, my warts and all diary. This introductory post is a bit wordy, but I thought it was in order for those of you who don’t know me. So, with no further ado, this is who I am and what, most likely I will be talking about and sharing with you in the coming blogs.
My Mental & Physical Health - Although to all intents and purposed from the outside looking in my life would seem idyllic, my brain is always churning stuff about and worrying about stuff that hasn't even happened yet. I am currently a very overweight 50-year-old female with a 20-year history of chronic depression. Sounds lovely doesn’t it lol,
I thought if I shared my trials and tribulations and mad hatter schemes to lose weight , keep sane and keep food on the table on here you may find it an interesting read. Possibly even helpful, but more likely just bizarre.
My Lifestyle - My lifestyle is completely different to the 'norm' and I think I am pretty different too, but I am hoping that once I start to share my thoughts, problems and fears, I will soon find out I am not that different to a lot of you in truth. Which is why I actively encourage you to comment with your views and experiences too :0) This is a two way blog.
I have always found it impossible to stick to anything for more than a few days so am trying a new plan. If history is anything to go by, this blog could be short lived, but am going to give it a go anyway. You never know, this could be the start of a whole new chapter in my life. :0) Basically, I aim to find and combine lots of little things that I enjoy doing, and that I can stick too that will help with my weight loss and improve my mental health. All of which will be shared with you. The good the bad and the ugly!!
My Work - My other half and I are self-employed. We own and run 'The WitchCrafter Fairtrade Clothing & Giftware Emporium' and we travel around the country, visiting all kinds of outside Festivals, Events & Rallys in our motor-home 'Monty'. We sell Fairtrade Clothing, Giftware and Accessories as well as my ropework and jewellery creations. If you would like us to attend your event please get in touch.
Illustration of Our Stall |
We have an events page HERE where you can find of where we will be trading next, as well as seeing all the years coming events in one place.
I am a Knotter, (not sure if that is the correct terminology but that is basically what I do lol). I make decorative knotted rope work items for narrowboats. As well as; bracelets, key-rings and other items.
I can often be found giving demonstrations of how to work with rope at the festivals I attend. These are very popular with kids and adults alike. I show folk how to splice & make loops in rope, as well as how to make bracelets and keyrings.
I also enjoy making my bespoke and unusual accessories out of tumblestones, cord, rope and wire which I am working on making available on the stall and online.
My Lifestyle - My partner, dog and I live on and sometimes trade from, our narrowboat The Great Escape. The boat provides all of us with just under 57' x 7' of living space to house stock, materials and worldly possessions. We live what is commonly referred to as an 'off-grid' lifestyle and you will be hearing more about what that is like to live without water and electricity on tap.
As we live and work on our narrowboat, we are what is known as 'Roving Canal Traders' and have been for a few years now. It basically means that the license we have, which is provided by the Canal & River Trust, allows us to trade from the side of the boat anywhere on the UK canal network. If you would like to learn more about becoming a Roving Canal Trader try out RCTA (Roving Canal Traders Association).
Well, now you know a little about me and what you can expect from this blog, I hope you will keep an eye open for it popping up on your Facebook timeline, or in your inbox. Please feel free to leave your comments and subscribe to this blog. I would love to know what you think xx