Tuesday 1 May 2012

Bosley Lock Flight Lock Keepers ROCK!!!

1st May
Bridge 71, Congleton - Bridge 46, Lyme Green

View from the towpath at 48hr moorings Bosley Lock Flight
Neither of us had a restful night last night.  Yog was up at 2am levering the boat off of the bank where she had got beached due to the water level going down!! I didn't get to bed till 1am as my brain was going nine to the dozen for no apparent reason other than it wanted to and didn't care that I wanted to go to sleep! We were both running on fumes as it were and just about managed to get ourselves to the foot of the Bosley Lock Flight, which has its own facebook page!!  I didn't have it in me to negotiate the flight so Yog let me go back to bed and charge my batteries up. By the way, it was only 8.30am at this point!!

Bosley Flight, Lock No 12
We spent the day relaxing, I slept and Yog took some photos of the area.  He was also able to chop all the logs we had collected on our roof because he had managed to procure some petrol from a very kind gentleman on the towpath. At about 1.30pm I emerged from my slumber feeling much better and by 2pm we were through the first lock of 12.  
I was looking for some extra details  on the Bosley Lock Flight to tell you about and I happened upon nbepiphany's blog to be honest I couldn't have done any better its a brilliant blog on the flight so feel free to have a look at it. Also I thought it was funny that they are only a few days ahead of us!!

Yogi thought I would love this pic, and I do :0)
I must tell you about the BW Volunteer Lock keepers we met at lock 9.  They were absolutely brilliant!!  It had just started to rain at this point and they just appeared at the top of the hill and then proceeded to help us through the remaining 8 locks!!  Apparently, the top lock is the second highest point in the UK's waterways :0).  They couldn't have been more helpful or friendly and because of them we managed to complete the flight in just over 2 hours!! Even though it was windy and wet and Yog did have a lot of trouble with the crosswind between locks 3 and 2 our day on the Bosley Lock Flight couldn't have been better and it was due to those 2 lock keepers.  Yog said 'They went over and above the call of duty today', he was impressed, as was I. 

With the flight behind us and only 2 swing bridges in front we crabbed off on our way, fighting against the crosswind that was billowing down upon us from the open fields that stretched out on either side.    
The first swing bridge we came across was akin to a railway crossing, with barriers, sirens and flashy lights.  All under my control with just the turn of a key and the press of a button!!  I felt all powerful lol until a car had to stop while the boat went through and I could feel the drivers eyes burning holes in my back.  So I didn't look at him in case he scowled at me.  

The River Dane flowing below us
The second swing bridge nearly got the better of me too, it took me a while to work out how to unlock it.  After I had managed to open the damn thing I saw the operation instructions on the bit my bum had been on whilst trying to fathom it out!  Then I had trouble locking it!! Managed it in the end though and wandered off down the towpath to see where Yog had decided to moor for the night.  I have to say, we both really like this canal and will definitely be coming back to have another look.  The scenery is stunning in every direction.   Congleton looks as if it is well worth a second look and we have already passed 3 or four places we could moor whilst I was off checking out the area. (that is code for shop exploring by the way). The best thing is Yog can start as early as he likes tomorrow as there are no more obstructions on the Macclesfield.  I am not required, therefore I shall be staying in bed for as long as the dog will let me lol.

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